Go ahead and check it out at Word, Sentence, Story.
Also, if you're reading this, that means that more than likely you follow me here, so you may as well follow me there too. It's not about the number of followers, it's about making sure that you are all able to read the content that I publish. I want you to be involved in my writing because it is such a huge part of who I am!
I plan to have a review up at the end of this month / beginning of next month, and some further news about my book will make it's way to the webpage in the next couple of weeks... So stay tuned for that!
As you can tell, there's not a whole lot else going on at the moment... However, this Friday is our annual Canoe trip, and I'm definitely going to be posting some pictures and whatnot about that.
Can't wait to share more with you all,
-Miranda Lynn