Wednesday, December 21, 2011

life lesson from dad.

Almost a year ago I was given some advice that could have made the biggest change in my life, if only I had payed more attention to the words that covered my 17th birthday card from the one and only: dad.

"Be good to yourself.
 There are some things everyone deserves- love, respect, time to recharge.
 Never settle for less."

"Seek out your dreams. 
Start small. 
Take it as it comes. 
Even a butterfly has to inch along before getting its wings."

"Listen to your heart. 
Trust your gut. 
If the way seems unclear, look within you."

"Let your voice be heard. 
You have a story to tell and opinions that count. 
And a difference to make."

"Stay curious. 
Take every opportunity to learn.
 Knowledge is a gift; It will take you places.
 Hold onto what's important; Let worries go.
 No matter how you look at it, some things just don't make sense. 
The way you choose to carry on is what really matters."

"And when you make that list of what you want in life, make another list of what you've got.
 Be sure to start with all the things that make you a beautiful person. 

There are so many."

Most of all, remember you are loved. Always. 
Happy Birthday Miranda,
Love Dad and Dana.

This card means a lot to me because it makes more sense than anything I've ever read. It helps me remember that not everything has to be perfect, and sometimes you will struggle, but there is no need to worry, because things will turn out however they're supposed to.
It reminds me that life is about being happy with who you are, it's about reaching for the stars, trusting your better judgement, standing up for what you believe in, and continuing to push through even when things get tough.

It helps me remember who I am and what kind of person I want to be. 

I am:
hardworking and a perfectionist, I push myself to the maximum.

I want to be: 
forgiving of myself when things don't turn out perfectly; able to five myself a break

I am:
the kind of person that will try her best and still feel like it isn't good enough.

I want to be:
able to accept that things won't be exactly what I hope, but able to realize that my best IS good enough.   

I am:
lost at times, and confused about where to go next.

I want to be: 
comfortable with trusting myself in making decisions that may be difficult and life changing

I am: 
Outspoken, blunt, misunderstood at times, but I try to make people understand.
I want to be:
heard when I have something to say, making  a difference that will actually help. speaking out in a positive way, not just when I want disagreeing opinions to be heard. 

I am: 
the girl that will spend all her time worrying about things that don't matter. the one who can never get her mind off of things that she cannot change.

I want to be:

able to accept the things I cannot change, and be able to walk away from something that is a lost cause. the girl who knows how to move forward with her head held high. the girl who stays positive and can keep her head up. The beautiful girl that I am, only with a smile on her face.

I want to be thankful for the life I have been given and appreciative of everything, big and small.

This card helps me remember that life doesn't have to be hard if you don't make it hard.
This card reminds me that I can do anything in the world if I set my mind to it.
This card is a reminder that I am a beautiful person.
And so are you.
Inside and out, even if we do not do all the things we should, even if we are not exactly who we want to be and who others want us to be. 
There is still hope for you and I.
I plan to live my life like i'll never see tomorrow. To spread some love. To make the world a better place. While we're here that's the best thing we can do.
I'm choosing to change my life.
To be happy, determined, trusting, honest, and to persevere.
I'm choosing to be beautiful.

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