Friday, December 23, 2011

reaching out.

"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light."  ~Norman B. Rice

Yesterday was my very first time peer tutoring a fifth grade gym class. The minute I walked in the door my eyes locked on one of the students in particular. Something about her screamed, "this little girl is just like me!".

 I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about her.

Each of the students were equally excited when their gym teacher said they would be playing a game called nukum, where the court is split into two halves and  a ball is thrown over a net from one team to another. When one catches the ball, the person who threw it is out and when the ball hits the floor, whoever is closest must leave the game as well. 

Watching them play was quite an experience.

Hearing them cheer when they caught the ball and seeing them laugh together as they played made me realize a few different things. When we are young, we become excited by the littlest things. We are able to take time to look around us and see things in a different way than teenagers and adults. Children view everything from a different perspective. Sometimes it can be a beautiful thing because they have so much appreciation without even trying. They have a natural eye for amazing things. Unfortunately, however, sometimes their perspective on things can be damaging.

As the game continued, an argument broke out.

It is amazing how children can take things so personal. Of course, they are not old enough to understand that the best thing to do is to ignore mean things said. The class bully had insulted one of his classmates saying:

"You got out again! You're out! You're out!". 

It was the girl I had a feeling about, and she instantly took offense and became emotional. She left the court, heading for the comfort of a hidden stairwell. At first she walked, but as the tears began to come down she began to run.

I followed, and sat down next to her.

She was quite obviously upset: tears streamed down her face as she trembled and took in tiny, continuous breaths. I tried to comfort her. At first she wouldn't answer my questions. Eventually though I got her to soften up and she let me in. She told me about how she didn't like that boy, she mentioned her feelings about school and Christmas, her family, her dog, her favorite color, and various other things.

Emily told me enough about her life to make me realize how lucky I am.

I have never felt so moved by a child in my life. She doesn't like the boy that made fun of her because he is really mean to everyone. She can't wait for Christmas break to start because she doesn't like school one bit. She isn't excited for Christmas though, because her mom is never around. She can't wait to go home and cuddle with her dog, because he's the only one that likes her. She's sad because her grandpa had a stroke and he almost died. She doesn't know what she will do if he does die because she has no one to go to. She says she has no friends. And she really believes that no one likes her. 

I told her everything would be okay. Even though I don't know if it will be.

I believe that every day God reaches down and puts someone or something in front of us to try to teach us different things throughout our lifelong journey. Yesterday I realized that there is so much to life that we should be thankful for, that we are not, and that sometimes we don't know it, but the very person standing next to us may be going through things that we cannot imagine. I realized that making yourself a better person starts when you try to help somebody else become a better person. It doesn't hurt to lend a hand, to spread some love, and to say a prayer for those around us. Help someone in need. Comfort someone who is down. Smile at a stranger as your lives cross paths.                                       
Every chance you get-

"Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light."

Spread the word; let the love inside.

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