Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Bullet Train.

Bullet Train by Stephen Swartz Ft. Joni Fatora
Someone recently introduced me to this song. I am in love with it.

Like a, like a, like a bullet train

Moving like the speed of sound
Feet can't keep on the ground
Can't stay in one place
Keep moving like a bullet train
Like a bullet train


like, like, like a bullet train
like, like, like a bullet train

'Cause I can't stop time
You keep blurring in my mind
And space is undefined
These tracks left behind
We can't stay the same
Can't stop this train
I can't find the breaks
On this bullet train 

'Cause I can't stop 

It's Christmastime.

Hello my lovelies,

First and foremost: I owe everyone who follows my blog an apology. I am deeply sorry about the lack of posts as of late. In the upcoming months I promise to continue blogging weekly as I have before.

It makes me so sad that I haven't posted a single thing in over a month. The Christmas season is such a busy time for myself and for everyone else. Now that it is [unfortunately] over, I'll have the opportunity to get back into the swing of things.

I've seriously missed my blogging family.

On a lighter and much happier note, today is finally Christmas, and I am happy to say that I will be spending the entire day with my family. I have been needing this more than anything else lately. College does something weird to you, that makes you wish you never left home in the first place. You begin to miss your family more than you ever would have imagined. It's crazy how fast the days go by. Time literally slips right through your fingers. It is unbelievable how quickly the time moves...

Can you believe it's already Christmas...?

This Christmas I got everything I asked for. But this Christmas has definitely been about a lot more than just gifts. To me, this Christmas has been all about family and friends. I've missed them so much, and it has really dawned on me that this could be my last Christmas with my family. Every single Christmas I've ever had could have been the last one with my family, and because of that I am ever so grateful to have been able to spend the day with my wonderful family.

This is the gift my grandmother gave me for Christmas this year. The front side is the tree of life, and on the back it says: Peace comes from within one's soul. This necklace has so much meaning to me. I absolutely love it & will treasure it as much as I treasure the time I've spent with my family the last 24 hours. 
I am so grateful. 

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone. ♥


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Help Ashley, she needs a new heart.

Hi everyone. Today I have a very, very special post. I want to inform you all of the opportunity you have today to help make a difference, and ultimately save a life.

Meet Ashley,

...a beautiful 20 year old who always has a smile on her face no matter what! She is an inspiration to all who meet her. She should be going out with her friends and having fun, but has, for the past two years, and most of her life, been in hospitals including NMRH and U of M fighting cardiomyopathy and frequently battling congestive heart failure. Just over a year ago, Ashley's heart stopped. Thanks to the awesome staff at NMRH, she was revived and airlifted to U of M in Ann Arbor where the equally awesome staff took over her care and eventually her heart regained some of the function.  

Since then, she has endured multiple surgeries and a life of pain and exhaustion. 
This is her personal story:

Now Ashley's heart is just too weak and enlarged to properly perfuse the rest of the body. The only option at this point is a new, healthy, donor heart. Ashley is being placed on the heart transplant list and must remain in the hospital until she receives her new heart. She has medical bills from the last couple of years and that pile is growing. In addition, her family lives several hours away and would like to be able to be with her as much as possible which means gas, food, motels, missing work, etc.
Ashley and her brother
Please help support Ashley and her family with as little of as much as you can!
All you have to do is click the link below and follow the directions to donate for her heart transplant. Every bit helps, and is so greatly appreciated.

Monday, November 19, 2012

19. I am thankful for...

Today I want to talk about how thankful I am for this:

My readers.
Yesterday you guys made me so proud of my blog and everything that I've been doing with it. I had 70 page views in one day and I don't think I've ever had that many. I was seriously stoked when I saw that. I am so thankful for all of the individuals who purposefully read my blog for their own pleasure, and I am just as thankful for those who come across it on accident. I know 70 views, 13 followers and 38 comments isn't a lot to everyone, but to me it means everything. Thank you all so much for really making this such an enjoyable experience for me. (o:

Light And Shadow.

Light And Shadow by Philip Wesley
This song is absolutely beautiful and I have been waiting until music monday to share it with you. I have seriously been doing my homework, writing poetry, and sleeping to this wonderful song for the past week!

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. It really is incredibly peaceful. 


Sunday, November 18, 2012

I laughed for 10 minutes straight.

Hello my lovelies,
I just found this video, and I seriously laughed SO hard. It is hilarious. I love the Twilight Saga, but these stupid things are just too funny to get mad about. I hope you get as much humor out of this thing as I did. (o: Enjoy!

18. I am thankful for...

Today I am thankful for this:

It's really nice to wake up in the morning, and be able to open your blinds and let some sunshine in for once. Lately the weather has been cold, cloudy, rainy and/or snowy. I always feel depressed when I look outside and its darker than it is inside. I love the sunshine. And I am so thankful for the good weather that Northern Michigan has. We don't get hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, and we rarely see a tornado. The weather does change a lot, but we are very fortunate that we rarely have terrible weather.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

17. I am thankful for...

Today I want to talk about another thing I am thankful for.

Free time.
I'm really thankful for free time that I have. I'm usually loaded with homework, just as I am this weekend, as shown in the picture above. Today I had to work a 9-4 shift, and basically from the time I got home, until right now, as I type these words, I've done a whole lot of nothing but blogging, messaging, listening to music, and messing around on facebook, twitter, instagram, timehop, pinterest and the like. I work a lot, and I go to school full time, so free time is pretty scarce. But when I do have some, I grab onto it and relax a little. I'm very thankful for afternoons like this.

WTF #14 - Holiday Treats.

Weekly Top Five
The upcoming holidays have got me thinking about all the yummy goodies I'll be eating very soon. I found a couple cool things on Pinterest, and I'd like to share them with you so you can share them with your family!

1. For one, this is the cutest thing ever! I seriously plan to do this for my co-workers.

2. I don't know about you, but these just look delicious! I can't wait to try this out.

3. Who doesn't love a little reindeer on a stick?

4. Sugar cookie reindeer!

5. These are probably the cutest ever!

Friday, November 16, 2012

16. I am thankful for...

Today I've been very thankful for one thing in particular.

My boyfriend.
I am so thankful for all the things my boyfriend does for me. Tonight night I was having a really bad night. I have had a lot on my mind lately, and I was feeling pretty lonely. I called him up and asked if he'd come see me because I was feeling really down. He showed up with chicken nuggets from McDonald's with my favorite sweet and sour sauce, and he even brought me Gingerbread Oreos and milk. He was able to cheer me up a lot. It feels so good to know that someone is there for you, that someone will come right over no matter what is going on in their life at the current time. To know that I have someone in my life who is completely willing to drop whatever they are doing at the moment and come hug me and hold me for a couple hours just to see me feeling better than I was when they arrived, as they leave...that says so much. I am so thankful for my Garret. We have been through so much, but the fact that we are still in each other's lives means a lot. I read this quote once: "The couples that are meant to be are the ones who go through everything that is designed to tear them apart and come out even stronger than they were before. They don't give up on each other or their relationship when they go through hard times, even if its the easy thing to do." That pretty much sums up our relationship. I gotta say, I love the guy. A lot.

Jenna Marbles.

It's Friday, and because of that, I will post whatever I want today. Friday is supposed to be the best day of the week, and I'm not going to plan anything for Friday's posts because spontaneity is good. So, here we are, and I'm going to post my favorite Jenna Marbles video. If you don't know who she is, you should really go to her YouTube channel. The link is just under the video.

Here is an explanation about why I picked this for today: A few day's ago I posted my Watch it Wednesday video, and I talked about three things I like, and three things I dislike about college. One of the things I complained about was noisy neighbors. Today, when I got done with work, I got home and I started blogging a ton, and I was also on Youtube and other time sucking sites. I came across this video, and I started cracking up. This is not one of Jenna's funniest videos ever, however, it is really great. The fact that she is having a similar problem to the one I am having is what made this so great. I know exactly how she feels!

Guest Blogger: Ivory Giraffes.

Hello my lovelies! I have your guest blogger, as promised! Here is her post:

I figure you'd want to know a little about the girl whose post you'll be reading today, so how about some generals about me? My name is Hannah and I'm 18. I'm a freshman at Bethel College, which I'm sure you've never heard of {it's near Notre Dame}, studying Music Performance. Piano is my concentration, in case you're a musician and were wondering. I like tea, and cozy sweaters. {Cliche? Maybe. True? Definitely.} I cannot go without painting my nails, and summer is my favorite season. I have the most wonderful boyfriend. His name is Hunter, and we'll have been dating for two years in about a month. I like Audrey Hepburn, reading books by John Green, and listening to Jesse McCartney on occasion. I blog, sporadically recently, at Ivory Giraffes about life, love, and sometimes clothes. Take a peek if you like. Now, onto the nitty gritty. 

I started my first year of college in August. It was scary. I was home schooled for most of my education and the thought of going into college was just terrifying. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to keep up, or if I was even ready for such a big step. I've only been in college for a couple of months, but I feel like there are some big things that I can maybe share to help you as you go into the next phase, the college phase, of your life. 

1) Organize. Organize. Organize.
In high school I was big into my planner. It had every single thing I needed to do for the day written down a full week ahead of time. Since coming to college I haven't used my planner all that much, but I have stayed organized in other various ways. On Saturdays I sit with my syllabi {a.k.a. you're bffl} and write on separate pieces of paper all the assignments due for the week and what day they're due, then I tape them onto my desk. Personally I like doing this better than using my planner. I just like having it all out where I can see it at all times. Then, every day I have written down everything I have to do for the day. Everything from the classes and assignments, to laundry, to practicing piano. Writing things down helps to solidify them into your memory and having everything laid out in front of you helps you to remain on task. Plus, it feels really nice to be able to check things off of your list!

2) Make you time.  
I know it's hard. The tests, the homework, the everything. It gets stressful. But, it's really important to make some purely you time. Even if it's only a half hour, just do something for you. Something that has nothing to do with homework, something that makes you happy. If I do everything I have to do for the day, the next day I get to take a nap. Another thing that I really enjoy doing for me is playing the piano {good thing, huh, being a piano major?}. It's something I find relaxing and it helps me put in some good practice hours. 

3) Bring homey stuff.
This dorm room is your new room. It looks like a jail cell and will remain looking like a jail cell until you change it. Put up posters. Inspirational quotes, song lyrics, whatever floats your boat. The other really helpful thing is bringing things that make it feel like home. Don't just bring that really cute comforter you just bought, bring the quilt that your grandma made you for Christmas when you were seven. Heck, I even have canned pickles that my grandma made for me. It reminds me of home... plus they're delish. 

4) Make the most of everything that is offered to you. 
How many times in your life are you going to be able to have full access to a gym? Or free counseling? Or free tutoring? Maybe not all colleges offer these, but chances are that they offer something that's not usually free. Take advantage of it. And your professors. If you have questions, ask. They're more than happy to help you with something if need be, and it'd be better to ask the question and understand something that never asking the question at all and flunking. 

5) Open yourself up to new experiences and friends. 
Going into college I had the mind set that I was here for college and that was it. I didn't need to make friends, I just needed to study and get good grades. If I had done that, I would have been missing out on so much. You know how everyone says that the friends you make in college will be your friends for life? I can already feel that that's going to be true. Open yourself to the new experiences that new friends offer. For the first time in my life I tried Chinese food {so good!} and found friends, girl friends, who understand and accept me for me. 

College has been one of the best experiences of my life. From the classes, to the friends, to the dorm life. My biggest piece of advice is to make the most of your time at college. Whether you're 20 minutes from home, or six hours. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

15. I am thankful for...

Today I am very thankful for this:

Free Birth Control.
Today I want to talk about how thankful I am for free birth control. This is something that is very important for me, that I take for granted all the time. It is just the simple truth that I am not ready to have a child at this point in my life. If it happened, I know I would make the best of the situation and love the child to pieces, but right now it is just not in my best interest. I'll admit that I am too stupid to abstain, so this is the next best way to make sure no babies start growing inside of me. My insurance pays for it all, and I am incredibly lucky that I have been able to be on the same birth control without any problems and free of charge for over two years now. If you're on birth control and you pay little to nothing for it, you should be very grateful as well. It is a wonderful thing. Someday I want to be a mommy, but not just yet...

Thrifty Thursday #1

Hello my lovelies,
I've decided that every Thursday I will make a post about something I found during the week from the thrift store that I fell in love with. I'm so excited to share my findings with you!

Last week I was inspired by a shirt I found at Maurices and my lack of funds sent me rummaging through the Goodwill of Petoskey. To my complete and utter surprise, I found a shirt almost exactly like the one at Maurices. I was so happy. And you'll never guess how much it was...
Yes, that is correct. $2.01. If that isn't a steal, I don't know what is.

I choose to wear it with dark jeans for emphasis, and little black booties.

I tuck in just the front and off I go. It's a very relaxed but somewhat sophisticated look.

Outfit details: 
White button up- thrifted //  White tanktop- Aeropostale // Black belt- borrowed // Dark wash ruined jeans- Hollister // Black boots- Payless

This outfit was a recreation of the one I liked a lot which I found on Pinterest. You can visit my Pinterest page and check out some other outfits that I liked by clicking on the link below:

Thanks for reading, I hope you all enjoyed my first Thrifty Thursday post! I'll have another one next week!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Watch it Wednesday.

Hello my lovelies!
It's Wednesday. So, I have a video for you!
I look really upset in the thumbnail you're seeing, but don't worry I'm not!
Today I'll be talking about three things I like and dislike about college. Enjoy! Feel free to leave any comments you might have! (o:

14. I am thankful for...

Today I want to blog about another thing I am thankful for.

Computer technology.

I am very thankful for all the computer technology that we are able to use. It is so helpful. Even though The Sims 3 isn't exactly 'helpful' it is a minimal example of just how amazing technology is. I think it is simply mind blowing that we can put something onto a disk, plug the disk in, and play a game. I feel the same way about the internet, music, videos, and the like. Computer technology is something we should really not take for granted, because it is so useful. A prime example of its usefulness is like in the medical field. We have so many awesome ways to test for diseases and cures with the technology we have developed. Sims isn't a great example of the greatness computer technology has brought to the world, but it is a more commonly recognizable reminder of how technology is in our every day lives and is most often over looked. I'm very thankful for computer technology. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TED on Tuesday!

I'm starting a new thing where every Tuesday I show you a video that I found from TED that is somewhat thought provoking, and I tell you a little bit about why I picked it, why I think it's interesting, and what my opinions are about it. I will be looking for your responses as well! I look forward to many intelligent, and intriguing conversations from you all!

Watch this thing!

Frank Warren: Half a million secrets.

Now, I don't know about you, but this video was quite inspiring for me. It reminds me a little bit about why I started this blog. People are seldom happy, just letting things off your chest, or appreciating the little things that come your way, are great ways to start being happier.

I really hope you watched the whole thing. It's amazing.
Let me know what you think. (o:

13. I am thankful for...

Today I am thankful for many things:

Optimism and the little things.
I am so thankful for days like today; days where I am inspired by something simply beautiful that allows me to look at the positive side of things, and makes me feel optimistic, even if only for a very brief second. It is more often than not that I feel weighted down by the heavy burdens that every day life brings. Sometimes I feel like there is just too much for me to do, and not enough time to do it. I get up in the morning and look at all the things I have to accomplish and I usually sigh, thinking to myself, 'there is no way I can get this all done; there is just no way it is going to happen.' I got up this morning, and this was my exact thought. But you know what? When my first class of the day got over with, I walked from the ADCL building to the residence hall, and during that time I reflected on my life a little bit. I looked up at the sky, and thought, 'if the sun can shine through all these clouds, and still brighten the Earth enough for all of us here, waiting, to see the things around us, then I can surely shine through all the negativity I'm feeling today and get through all the things I have to do with a smile on my face.' When you take the time out of your day to appreciate things that you usually look over, because you are so focused with your busy life, it can usually make a huge impact on your day. The little things are so important. The sun, the sky, the clouds, fresh snow on the ground, the smell of clean, fresh air, warm hot chocolate and a slice of banana bread slathered with creamy butter for breakfast, a nice sharp pencil, a great class discussion, a long relaxing walk from one building to the next, a nap before work, smiling faces in and out of the store all night, and a warm drive home with Taylor Swift's voice ringing in my ears. Today has been a great day, and I am so happy that the sun, sky, and clouds could help me see it that way. ♥

Guest Blogger!!

I have an announcement to make today! You should be keeping your eyes open for a guest blogger on my blog this week! Wednesday night (Yes, that is TOMORROW) I will be featuring a post written by Hannah of Ivory Giraffes.!

I advise you to look for it, I can only imagine how awesome it will be. (: 

Monday, November 12, 2012

12. I am thankful for...

Today I want to talk about how thankful I am for my ability to write and appreciate Poetry.
In honor of my awesome poetry writing skills, today I will be featuring one of my favorite poems. Enjoy! (o:
You can also see more of my poems on my Facebook page, under my notes.

A Year Has Gone
A poem by me. Written 1/23/11

Twelve months have come,
A year has gone.
It's been three hundred sixty five days,
Fifty two weeks too long.

Four seasons have passed,
Roughly 60 days in each one
And all this time that's gone by,
I've been thinking about what I've done.

Pulled you in,
Then pushed you away,
Gave me your heart,
And I threw it away.

January, February, 
March, April, May.
I'd been counting,
Counting down the days.

Memories stopping me,
Every chance they'd get.
Reminding me daily,
Of everything since we'd met.

There are too many things,
Too many I couldn't forget.
You know something's wrong,
When you're holding onto things that make you upset.

I felt nothing in January,
That was the start.
Tried not to think of you,
Tried to be smart.

But that didn't matter,
February throbbed my heart.
My 16th birthday,
One in which you'd have no part.

March came along,
It marked month three.
And just a few years back,
This was the month you met me.

And soon it was April,
I'll try to explain.
Baseball season,
This was your game.

And not only that,
But a new striking pain,
I lost something I always wanted you to have,
April brought much rain.

But no flowers in May,
At least not for me.
Don't think I forgot the sixth.
The day you turned eighteen.

Then there was graduation,
Which I did actually see.
I regret not paying attention,
To the whole class of 2010 being set free.

And June takes me back,
To when 'Leavin'" was on top.
When I'd lay on my mom's balcony,
And we'd talk all night, nonstop.

Before I knew it July had come,
Soon the temperature would start to drop.
You announced you'd be attending pellston,
We made plans to meet in Mackinaw at my shop.

August I spent thinking,
Thinking too much.
I hadn't seen you all summer,
8 months since January when we lost touch.

When school started in September,
That's when I started to lose it all.
Memories were killing me,
Every time I went down the senior hall.

I had dreams in October,
Dreams all of you.
One every night,
Each time they were new.

November was the worst,
I remember when we started dating.
But I'd cry myself to sleep,
Because our memories were fading.

A cold walk on the beach with you,
 I wish I'd never see anything more.
Because December was drawing near,
And soon I'd end up starting a war.

Finally December,
The end of twenty-ten.
You'd think I'd have forgotten you,
After all, eleven months it had been.

But all I could do,
Was thing back in time.
As Taylor Swift has it,
I could only "wish I realized what I had when you were mine."

I missed you like crazy,
I started asking around.
I wanted to know,
Was I the only one counting down?

Finally January 19th,
A whole year had gone. 
Three hundred sixty five days.
Fifty two weeks too long.

I sent the message,
One day later got one back.
Found out some things never change,
And that's where we're at.

Music on Monday.

The Last Time by Taylor Swift
This is one of my favorite songs off of Taylor's new album RED. In this song she sings with Gary Lightbody from Snow Patrol. This is a beautiful song. If you are unfamiliar with her music, you are seriously missing out. There are a ton of music posts on my blog about her. You can check them out by simply clicking on the colored links in the previous sentence. If you enjoy her music as much as I do, you can also follow her on twitter at @taylorswift13 as well as instagram using her user name: taylorswift. I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do!

Gary Lightbody:
Found myself at your door,
Just like all those times before,
I’m not sure how I got there,
All roads they lead me here.

I imagine you are home,
In your room, all alone,
And you open your eyes into mine,
And everything feels better,

Right before your eyes,
I’m breaking and fast,
No reasons why,
Just you and me.

This is the last time I’m asking you this,
Put my name at the top of your list,
This is the last time I’m asking you why,
You break my heart in the blink of an eye.

Taylor Swift:
You find yourself at my door,
Just like all those times before,
You wear your best apology,
But I was there to watch you leave,

And all the times I let you in,
Just for you to go again,
Disappear when you come back,
Everything is better.

When right before your eyes,
I’m aching, run fast,
Nowhere to hide,
Just you and me…

This is the last time I’m asking you this,
Put my name at the top of your list,
This is the last time I’m asking you why,
You break my heart in the blink of an eye, eye, eye…

This is the last time you tell me I’ve got it wrong,
This is the last time I say it’s been you all along,
This is the last time I let you in my door,
This is the last time, I won’t hurt you anymore.

Oh, oh, oh,

This is the last time I’m asking you this,
Put my name at the top of your list,
This is the last time I’m asking you why,
You break my heart in the blink of an eye.

This is the last time I’m asking you this, (this is the last time I’m asking you this)
Put my name at the top of your list, (name at the top of your list)
This is the last time I’m asking you why, (this is the last time I’m asking you why)
You break my heart in the blink of an eye. (You break my heart…)

This is the last time I’m asking you this,
Time I’m asking you this,
Time I’m asking you this,
Time I’m asking you this.. (x3)


11. I am thankful for...

Today I am thankful for this:

Sleeping in.
I feel like I am extremely fortunate to have been able to sleep in today. I never get to because my schoolwork always keeps me up very late and calls to me in the morning too early to get a good night sleep. Today I was able to sleep in, in my boyfriend's bed. Then we got up and he made me french toast while I did the dishes. We ate and showered together before watching a movie and after that he made me lunch and I cleaned the kitchen. At six I attended a really fun (and paid) work meeting, and when that got over I came home and my room mate and I moved our room around. Since then, I've just been blogging and tweeting (yes I finally gave in and got a twitter) and having a really wonderful night. I am so thankful for days like this.♥

7, 8, 9, & 10 I am thankful for...

The past few days I have been thankful for...

November 7th- On this day I was most thankful for the fact that Obama won the election the night before. My vote is all for women's rights, gay marriage rights, and healthcare! 
November 8th- Cold winter days like this day I am very thankful for my Carmex.
November 9th- Always thankful for my iPhone. It gets me through the day and so much more!
November 10th- My planner is seriously my right hand man. Couldn't do ANYTHING without it. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6. I am thankful for...

Today I want to talk about how thankful I am for:

My best friend.
Someone who has been there for me right from the start. A girl who I miss terribly. An individual who has helped make me who I am today. A person who I will never forget, because I hold her very close to my heart. I am so thankful that I have been able to spend such a great 6-7 years with the girl pictured above. I really couldn't have asked for a better friend. I am so thankful that I met such a wonderful person. ♥

I miss you more than you know! I hope that we can be reunited soon and make even more memories. I love you, Carly. You're like a sister to me. You're the sister I never had. ♥

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