Friday, April 20, 2012

WTF #9 - Nails.

Weekly Top Five
1. This week I have been thinking about what I should do with my fingernails for prom. I've gotten them done before and had fake nails put on, but they ruined my finger nails for like two months. So I refuse to do that again. I like this idea, it matches my dress almost exacly, so it would be safe.

2. I also really like this, I think the dark against my light skin and dress would really make my nails pop!

3. If I am able to get my mom to do it for me, I'm sure she could make this happen.

4. I could do something like this. However, I would make it dark blue on the top and fade to light blue.

5. Another easy thing I could do is a blue undertone with sparkles on the top. It wouldn't look half bad. I actually really like something like this.

So, there you have it. Those are my options. I want everyone's oppinion. So let me know what you like the most, or what you dislike most. Tell me what you think I should do. And remember: Prom is a week from tomorrow!

P.S. The notecard video I promised a couple weeks back will be up this weekend sometime!

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