Monday, March 12, 2012

stress level: skyrocketed.

Today was stressful. The entire weekend was stressful for me. You'd think that after everything I accomplished I would be stress free right? Well, no. Currently on a scale of one to ten, one being chill, and ten being smash-your-head-into-a-brick-wall-stressed-out I am a 15. So, my stress level has skyrocketed. It was actually pretty okay up until early this afternoon. 
The weekend wasn't all terrible. I mean, I had an interview, and I got a job! I also found out some good news about PANDORA. There's a sale this weekend if you buy 100 dollars worth of jewelry you get a free bracelet. And since my boyfriend and my 10 day breakup occurred over my birthday he hasn't got me anything. But when I told him about the sale, he got a smirk from ear to ear. So that's fantastic. I also got everything done I wanted to complete this weekend.. And I even got some relax time to myself.
So you're probably wondering why my stress level is so high then? Well today I was going through some stuff for GVSU that I got in the mail, and I was trying to figure out how much its gonna cost me to go there and how much my financial aid will pay for and all that stuff because a scholarship I'm applying for requires that I say what its going to cost me and what I'm going to get. Well I realized that because I waited until february to apply to GVSU, even though I got accepted, I missed some important scholarship deadlines. I MISSED OUT ON FREE MONEY! by like a month. So naturally I was ticked off. Well then, I checked out my FAFSA stuff, and it looked to me like I'll only be receiving 1700 dollars. Which seemed very strange. Well then I was even more pissed off.
After that I got off my laptop and tried chilling out. I did everything I told you guys I like to do. And it still wasn't enough. So then, I decided to have a 'spa night'. Kind of.

First, I found this stuff in the cupboard in my bathroom that I haven't used in a million years. Its a really nasty color, but I got it out anyways.

Then, I rubbed it all over my face. Yes, the picture you are looking at is of me with crap all over my face and I am not wearing make up. So enjoy it, because you'll probably never see me like this again. Haha.

Then I took a shower. I love Herbal Essences. It smells yummy and it really does the trick for my hair. I also lather myself up in Pure Seduction sugar scrub from Victoria's Secret. And a good face wash always makes me feel refreshed.

 When I got out of the shower I use the Secret Craving lotion and Love Spell perfume from Victoria's Secret. Smelling good always makes me feel much better. (o:

And then, I took the nail polish off my toes. (yes I know they look absolutely disgusting here and there is a bruise on my right big toe because two idiots were screwing around in the library and dropped a chair on my foot!)

And I painted them red. Because red makes my nails look nice and I always feel sophisticated. Like how you feel and probably look with red lip stick on.

So after I chillaxed a little. I got back on the FAFSA website, and back into my GVSU account, and it looks like, if I was looking in the right place at the right thing, my financial aid/gvsu student aid package will pay for all $22,112.00 for my first year at Grand Valley State University. So for the time being, if that is true, I am a happy girl. (o:

Enjoy your night!

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