Thursday, March 22, 2012

thursday rain.

Well. It rained a lot today. But it was actually a pretty good day all in all. So I'm going to point out some little things about today that made it worth getting up to live through.
For one, it was only a half day at school, and usually I don't go, but today I just said 'may as well' so off I went. It was a pretty boring day, and we didn't do much, but that's okay. I don't like doing work all day, so a little break was kind of nice. I turned in a couple scholarships too, so that's a load off my back.
When I got home, I took a three and a half hour nap. Which was great, however I do not understand how naps can make you feel refreshed and disoriented at the same time. When I woke up from it, the sun was shining outside so it made me feel like I still had some time left in my day, which is always a plus because more time means everything to me.
Directly after I woke up my dad came into my room to tell me that he finally found someone who bought my car! Which is super great! we had originally wanted 1100 for it, but the man payed 1000 which is great. My dad said that whatever we got out of it, I could have 800 and he would get the rest. Which is pretty good considering he fixed it up and he went through the trouble to sell it. I bought it for 400 like two years ago, so really I made about 400 dollars off of it!
After that good news I ventured out to the kitchen to see what was for dinner and I found one of the simplest most pleasant surprises ever.

My little dog Cody went to get his hair cut today and when he came home he had this cute little bandanna on, and it is just too cute! I love my little Cody. And seeing him all cute in his little bandanna totally brightened my rainy thursday. (o:

And I am proud to announce that this is my 59th post, and I currently have 1269 views since Wednesday, December 21, 2011 (roughly 3 months). 543 of which were just during the past month. My stats show that the top views are from those who use Safari (62%) with Macintosh (40%), and Google Chrome (23%) with Windows (29%).
This is great!, however, I still only have 2 followers. I would LOVE it if you chose to follow my blog and be a part of what is going on with paper planes and playground games. So, if you'd like, Follow Me!

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