Friday, March 9, 2012

time to refresh.

Well. There's not a whole lot to say about today. I stayed home from school, and though I would have loved to be enjoying the sunshine, I was forced to stay inside and do homework. I started at 10:00 and I'm still not done. So far I've written an 800 word essay on civil disobedience and self reliance (yes, that one I told you about), I wrote a college paper outlining like 10 theories of development, I finished 15 physics problems (minus 4 that I can't do), a physics study guide, and flash cards. It's been nearly 8 hours. I deserve a break.
So I was thinking about what people do when they're overwhelmed. What do people do when they have tons to do and they need a break? What refreshes them? And after they're refreshed and they finish all their work, how do they reward themselves?
Well...this kind of thing happens to me all the time. So I'm going to list a few things I like to do to refresh myself when I am in dire need of a quick break.

1.) Watch a funny video. For some reason funny videos refresh me. If you don't believe me, watch this one and tell me that you don't feel at least a little better than before. (*WARNING* there are a lot of swear words in this so if you don't want someone to hear it, put in some head phones.)

If you were wondering, it's called "You're a Wizard Harry."

2.) If that doesn't do the trick, watch another one! Like this one I posted in January, or one like this.
 If you were wondering, this is called Llamas with hats episodes 1-4.

3.) Listen to a song you like all the way through, and really just try to focus on how much you enjoy the song, and nothing else. I posted one earlier today that I love, go ahead and listen to it! (*WARNING* it also has a couple swear words in it and is NOT for young children.)

4.) Eat something yummy. When I get sick and tired of doing something I like to eat something yummy. My all time favorite are candy orange slices. I mean seriously, who doesn't want to eat a sugar coated lump of chewy sugar?

5.) Give yourself some quality 'You' time to reward yourself when all your work is done. It's probably the nerdiest/geekiest thing in the world, but its true, and it ALWAYS makes me feel better probably because I never get to do it because I rarely let myself when I have other things to do because I'll feel guilty if I do it when I have other things to do, but usually I play my favorite video game to reward myself. 

Seriously, I could play this forever. Which is why I must get going. I still have a calculus take home quiz to do, some calculus extra credit to do, a calculus homework assignment to do, a physics paper to write, and a physics Rube Goldberg project poster to make. So I'll see you later. 

Watch for a note card video I plan to make. It will be coming soon!

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