This is first hour for me. Today during physics we worked on our Rube Goldberg projects. (This picture is of someone else's that worked today) I'm slightly stressed because we have this project due where we have to either work in groups and actually make a Rube Goldberg machine, or we can work individually and draw one out very nicely and write a report on Rube Goldberg. I chose to do the individual project because I dont have time to build a machine that probably won't work. In addition to the project, we have a study guide, chapter review problems, and optional flashcards due at the beginning of next week. So I'm freaking out. Naturally.
Second hour is art. The only hour I can actually do what I want. Though half the time I end up spending it doing extra homework from other classes just so I can feel caught up. Today I finished up my clay pieces. This fish is one of them. I decided to do something a little bit more abstract than just a piece of clay.
Calculus is a total drag. Sorry I don't have a nice picture for you. There's nothing fun about the class whatsoever. Today we learned about antiderivatives and all this other nonsense garbage that I could seriously not care less about. But at least I like the teacher. That helps. Unfortunately we have a quiz coming up on tuesday and a project as well.
English wouldn't be half as bad if the teacher was actually there more often. Instead, because he never is, he prints us off these huge packets to read and highlight 'important' stuff and then we have to write essay upon essay. Its really irritating. So by this Friday we have a rough and final draft due about how an essay we read called "Civil Disobedience" by Henry Thoreau is influenced by or is an extension of another essay we read called "Self Reliance" by Emerson. (I can't remember his first name and I don't care enough to look).
Lunch is always nice. Except for when the whole time all you do is talk to your best friend about how much the two of you have to get accomplished in the next couple days. But Dove Chocolates always made things a little bit better at least. Usually I spend my lunch period eating in the library while I do homework.
Fifth hour in the library I finished up my calculus homework. I try to get everything I possibly can done in the library during fifth and sixth hour because I have so many other things to do. I have college tonight so I won't have time to do calculus or anything else so two hours in the library can be very helpful.
I'm in the library until 2:41 actually, and for the remainder of the school day I tutor a kid. (I know, I'm so nice giving away MY study period time) He needs it more than I do though, so I try to be generous when I can and when I need to be. This is my best effort to smile, and just appreciate everything that I have going for me, and to just realize that all this hard work will pay off, I just have to keep pushing through.
So, my original goal with this post was to prove to myself that everything I have going on right now isn't really that much, but I think I proved to myself the opposite seeing how everything I listed isnt even everything because I have 8 scholarships to finish by the next month. I think that's reason enough to get off the internet and start crackin'. I have a lot to accomplish. Wish me luck!
& Enjoy your day!
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